Annotations which stay solely in Bisque aren’t incredibly useful. One of the main reasons for marking up images is to be able to use those annotations for some other purpose, such as training classifiers, computing metrics and features. In this post, we show how to take the annotations from bisque via REST, and convert them into binary masks in matlab.
Continue reading Exporting Bisque Gobjects/Annotations as Binary Masks into Matlab →
Once we have images uploaded to Bisque, we might want to be able to overlay annotations on top of them so that users can interact with them. This post quickly goes through the conversation of a binary mask, in matlab, into an XML which can later be imported into Bisque.
Continue reading Created Bisque XML from Matlab Binary Masks →
Assuming we have the necessary files on our Bisque server (perhaps uploaded with our script), and we have a set of bisque compliant XML annotations (perhaps generated with our script), we would like to upload them to the Bisque server so that they can be evaluated or modified. That is what this post is about 🙂
Continue reading Uploading Bisque XML via Python →
In the previous post we discussed how to export annotations from a Ventana Image Viewer program and create binary masks. Now we explain how to do the opposite and import the mask back into Image Viewer.
Continue reading Import Annotations from Matlab into BigTiff XML (Ventana) →
Previously we looked at extracting annotations from Aperio Svs files. There are other image formats and annotation tools. Another commonly used tool in digital histology is ImageViewer, which makes it possible to view multi-page BigTiff image files.
Continue reading Extract Annotations From ImageViewer Bigtiff xml into Matlab →
One of the main purposes of having a digital format is to allow experts (e.g., pathologists) to annotate certain structures in the images. Be it nuclei, epithelium/stroma regions, tumor/non-tumor tissue etc. This is easily done with ImageScope and SVS files, but the trick is importing them into Matlab.
Continue reading Working with Aperio SVS files in Matlab – Converting Annotations to Binary Masks →
Tidbits from along the way